On a recent episode of Streamin’ With a Purpose, I had the opportunity to talk with Tara McGee, the Overcomer, as she describes her purpose journey.
Tara describes herself as an overcomer. While trying to give above and beyond on a strenuous job, she was also battling cancer. Guess who won? It wasn’t cancer, and that job is now history also. Tara had to overcome a lot and is now in a much better place. But her purpose journey started due to no choice of her own; the strenuous, undervaluing job kicked it all off. Learn more in this podcast episode.
Helping People To Never Lose Their Voice
No one wants to feel undervalued. We can be made to feel that our contributions are worthless. When you work to give your all, you at least expect appreciation for your time. But that wasn’t the case where Tara was employed. Her job asked for more but didn’t value what she brought to the table. That led to her leaving that job and starting her own company, Staff4U, Inc.
While going through the pressures of her job and dealing with cancer that she was later diagnosed with, and raising her small children, Tara describes a period of her life as a wilderness experience. It left her looking within herself as her work experience left her in a different mindset. After that experience, it was difficult trying to work for anyone else. She’d lost her sense of peace and her voice.
As a result of her own experiences, Tara realized how others must feel going through the same type of work experiences. She decided she didn’t want anyone else to feel devalued and to be so impacted by it that they lose their voice.
"People should be able to flourish and prosper wherever they are . . . prosperity is not just about wealth. Prosperity is more about health; more about how you feel about yourself and that inner peace that you have inside." – Tara McGee
That’s what Staff4U, Inc. brings to the table. Staff4U, Inc. helps to place individuals where they feel valued and can flourish and prosper.
Staying Faithful Even When in Doubt
While Tara was committed to the vision God gave her, she realized it brought more than its share of challenges as the mission of Staff4U, Inc. was totally outside of anything she had ever done before. And although it was God’s vision for her, the success of Staff4U, Inc. didn’t come easy. She realized, however, that as long as she stayed steadfast and focused on His will, that was all that was needed to get past the challenges.
There was a lot to learn in this field of work, and it wasn’t just working anymore. It was her business, which meant she needed to learn so much more. After all, her name was attached to it. But she stayed faithful to the mission. Resiliency, patience, and obedience were definitely the keys to overcoming those challenges, and she wants anyone wanting to follow the purpose God has for them to know the importance of having all three.
Sharing Wisdom
Tara is committed to sharing God’s wisdom in her life. She’s dealt with a lot, fought through cancer, and learned a lot. Through it all, she has so much to share and Tara has taken her journey to an even bigger level with her latest books:
She’s Got The Power is an anthology of 25 women who share their feelings about money and wealth. Not only do they share the vulnerability of this taboo topic, but they also share personal pictures that describe their journey.
We Won’t Quit is an anthology of 11 couples talking about challenges in marriage and how keeping God at the center helps them to push through.
Check out these personal stories of wisdom and lessons learned and learn even more from Tara.
Listen to the full episode of my discussion with Tara McGee. Don’t just listen and keep on with your life but take the time to really listen to discern your next steps to fulfill your purpose.